This is our journey of adoption from Ethiopia.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Waiting for Big News

Tomorrow's the big court date, which we don't know if it will actually happen because we never heard whether the clearance papers came in or not. It's a big day one way or the other. I hope the news comes in early so I'm not sitting in front of the computer, willing it to send me a message all day. We had a family day out in Yellowstone National Park today, which was a much needed break. Whatever happens is out of our hands now so we'll only hope for the best.

1 comment:

Ingrid Shapley said...

Hi! I've read everything on your blog but Mike said you had pictures of the girls on there and I don't see how to access them. Know how anxious you all must be to get news. Guess you don't physically appear in court -- what court? I'm sorry I didn't call you last week when I was thinking of you. My computer has been down since Tues. afternoon and the phone is also affected -- voice cutting out and bad static at times. They just left from moving the receiver on the roof to a higher spot as we have to see the tower on Double Header to get reception. A tree had evidently grown enough this summer that it was partially blocking our signal. Anyway, hope they have it fixed. Mike did say you have pictures you could mail so hope you'll do that as we really are anxious to see them! Even more anxious to know how today went!

Our love and prayers to all of you, Mom and Dave