This is our journey of adoption from Ethiopia.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Excuse me?

Yesterday a friend came over so I could run to a couple of stores while the girls were napping (they're not to be left with a babysitter yet, but come on, I've got to get a break or I'm going to break). At the very first store, the clerk asked if the girls I was shopping for were my grandkids or nieces. Has this adoption really aged me 30 years? When I told her they were my daughters, she proceeded to go on about these people she knew who were having fertility problems and HAD to go "that route". What??!!! I couldn't get out of that store fast enough and will not return. So much for a fun outing by myself; I'd rather stay home and eat worms.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

More of the Kids

Eden and Grace

We saw Eden and her mom, Nancy, last week when they were in town. Eden and Grace are only one day apart in age. So cute!