This is our journey of adoption from Ethiopia.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Speedy Descent

Well, after months of uncertainty, waiting, bad news, more waiting, our roller coaster ride is coming to a rather sudden end, it seems. We received news today that our court date is now July 21, which is NEXT MONDAY! The only snag would be if they do not receive the clearance papers on the girls in time. If they do, and we pass court, we will be getting the girls in about three weeks! We are in shocked disbelief at this point that our dreams are finally becoming real. My mind can't quite even wrap itself around this news. I thought I had three months to gather things and pack, and now I must move at lightning speed to prepare. I may be the only traveler, but maybe someone will volunteer to come with me, as I can't imagine bringing the girls home alone. My heart is still very guarded, though, and I'm more stressed now than excited as we wait for the official word by Monday. Do I dare hope?