This is our journey of adoption from Ethiopia.

Friday, July 18, 2008

The Mad Dash

Ok, so I've been on the phone and on the computer the last two days trying to figure out flights, dates, etc. Apparently August is a terrible time to be traveling, especially coming back to the U.S. But what would our experience be like if it wasn't complicated every step of the way? Finally I think I found the travel agency that can get us there and back. A dear friend has offered to go with me, which is incredible. It's mostly for sure. Now, if only we could hear about those clearance papers and whether court will go through Monday or not... Like I said, there's no real experience without drama and complications. I'm still trying not to let my emotions run amok with the thought of holding those precious girls in my arms. With all that has happened to make this even a near possibility shows WE WANT THEM!! Let no one with all their doubts and concerns even question that any longer. We welcome all who want to share in our lives to do so and the rest--well, you'll miss out, but it's your choice. We will not ask for approval; this is our family and that's it, end of discussion. Whatever your reservations are, please leave them at YOUR door because frankly, we're done trying to make other people feel better. It's our turn to be happy and to bond as a family and we don't have the time!!!

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