This is our journey of adoption from Ethiopia.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Journey to Ethiopia

Well, the final lag of our journey to our daughters in Ethiopia will begin very early tomorrow morning when my friend (also Mary) and I board the first plane. The bags are packed and almost overflowing with stuff. The final errands are finished and just the last minute things are left to toss into the last carry-on bag. I'm very excited now and even my nervousness about flying isn't overshadowing my anticipation of seeing the girls for the first time. Our oldest will start kindergarten before I return, and missing that is my only sadness. Good thing my husband will be here to meet with the teacher and take him to school. Hopefully he will take pictures for me. So proud of my son. I have lots of things to do on the plane to help pass the time in case I can't sleep. Although I haven't slept a lot the last several nights, I've slept well so I don't feel too exhausted. I'm sure the trip will take a toll, though, but to hug our girls at the end will make it all worth it. Can't wait!

1 comment:

Lennah and Delylah's mom said...

The girls look so happy. What a change from when I met them weeks ago. Once you get a break give me a ring we can chat about our trips. I put all the girls pics on my facebook account.