This is our journey of adoption from Ethiopia.

Friday, July 25, 2008


It's been disappointing to know we'll be sitting around for another two weeks before any news comes in. If they would have just stuck with the original October court date, I would have been happy, but because they tried to move us up and our hopes were raised, if things get moved back after August 6 we'll be devastated. Why did they do that? One of my friends has offered to plan a baby shower before I leave so at least we have that to plan. But I don't know if I should actually get excited about it since everything depends on what happens August 6. It's hard to keep my mind on other things--I just see those girls everywhere. Everyone in our adoption group is down except one family who did pass court this week. With all the bad news, we can't even seem to cheer each other up much these days. We don't even have updates or pictures to look forward to in the meantime. We'll have some company next week so maybe that will help pass the time.

1 comment:

Our family said...

Isn't this a crazy trip? We were certain with the investigation that we wouldn't make it through court until after the closure, and we were fine with that. Now, that there is a bit of chance that we can make it through sooner we are obsessed with that. Just let us know what is going to happen. Please!!!!!!!!!!!