This is our journey of adoption from Ethiopia.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Decision Time!

Well, two agencies that I checked into showed that Mike is too old for us to request an infant from Korea. One agency that I talked to said we couldn't request a girl at all since there's such a long list of people wanting girls. So we have decided on China. It will take at least two years, but we can start saving miles on the credit cards! We picked an agency and sent in our preliminary contract. We have a list of things to put together for the dossier and the home study visit will be in the next few weeks. It's a little overwhelming. No wonder if takes several months.
We started telling some people, but the other day, our daycare lady asked me why James was talking about a baby sister coming. Apparently he's telling people, too! He's so excited and said he could sleep in the same room with her so that he could take care of her in the middle of the night. How sweet! It's funny, though, especially considering how jealous he still is of his little brother!

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